Questionnaire Responses: Todd Castle

1 – What do you consider the most pressing issue facing the County and how will you address this issue if elected?

We have to get growth in Watauga County in check. We are bursting at the seams. As a lifelong resident of Watauaga County, I certainly understand the desire to live here. However we are at the capacity for Law enforcement and hospital capacity now.  All of our schools are at maximum capacity. Our roads are clogged continuously. These are issues Republicans, democrats and Independent’s all agree on based on the many conversations I have had.

2 – What are your unique life experiences you believe will bring a different and important perspective to the County Commission?

I have lived in Watauga County all my life.  Watauga county is in my DNA. I remember growing up here and how good life was in my home town. I am concerned we are taking a dangerous turn with un checked growth and I am afraid what makes us unique is being erased day by day. From 2012-2020, I was appointed to the Watauga County Planning Board. During this time I began to consider my next step in service to Watauga County and decided to run for County Commissioner. I am running again to finish what I started in 2020 to complete my vision for keeping Watauga County the best place in North Carolina to live and raise a family.

3 — Do you support or oppose the County Commissioners’ financial support of an early voting site in the ASU Student Union? Please explain.

I support all early voting sites that the Board do Elections deems necessary to fairly serve all voters. In 2020 the ASU Chancellor proposed moving the Student Union site to Holmes Convocation Center. This site could serve even more voters including students due to access to parking not readily available at the Student Union.

4 – Where would you increase or decrease the County’s financial support of County non-profits? Please explain.

Since I am not a siting commissioner I am not privy to all the Non-profits the County supports. I would examine all on a case by case basis and work to help non-profits seek grant money. There are many worthwhile nonprofits that serve a great many of our citizens and I would want to continue supporting those non-profits who fill a much needed gap in our County.

5 — Do you support or oppose the County’s implementation of its own minimum housing standards? Please explain.

While I was on the Watauga County Planing Board we dealt with UDO’s on a regular basis. I feel like the county has great ordinances in place to protect out neighborhoods from abuses to housing uses. Multi family and single family residences have their place and we can protect our neighbors with strict adherence  to housing standards.

6 – In what ways do you propose to increase and strengthen public transparency and accountability related to the Board of Commissioners’ actions? Please explain.

If I were to be elected commissioner I would love to have “Town Hall” style meetings, where we received input from the public regarding issues that are important to them. I feel like the commissioners have forgotten that they serve the people and not the other way around. We need to be approachable and totally transparent in all decisions that affect the citizens of Watauga County. I do not feel like the current commissioners have been “transparent”.

7 – What remedies do you propose to implement to prevent environmental and other issues related to housing developments like “The Cottages of Boone”?

Several years ago the town of Boone implemented “steep slope” and “view shed” protections. Just a few months later the development above Wal Mart started. It has been plagued with settlement problems ever since. The Cottages have had similar issues including sewage issues getting into the streams.  The Standard complex is another eye sore that takes away from the natural beauty of our town. We desperately need to help “existing” apartment complexes to come up to date. Students want all the amenities offered by so many newer complexes. Unfortunately the older units lack those. If they could be brought up to current standards with perhaps the incentive to give a tax break for a time to recoup the cost of bringing the buildings up to code, we may see a reduction in building huge complexes further out in the county. This would decrease traffic and preserve the green space that is ever disappearing all around us.

8 – Do you support or oppose how the County distributes sales tax revenue to County municipalities (based on an “ad valorem” versus “per capita” formula)? Please explain.

I completely support the ad valorem tax structure. The funds distribution greatly benefits Blowing Rock, Beech Mountain, Seven Devils and other unincorporated towns benefit from a revenue windfall. Tax distribution based on population only benefits Boone. I think its a great way to allocate tax money and I have no plans to reverse it.

9 – What ideas do you propose to bring to the table to commit the County to support for renewable and alternative energies, better conservation of land and water resources, and other climate protection measures?

Wind and Solar have been discussed a great deal. WInd turbines are extremely expensive and usually age out before they become cost effective and start to pay dividends. Solar energy has become much more reliable than solar panels of the 80’s.  Usually to be cost effective, many panels must be used together and the cost benefit ratio is usually equal.  I am in favor of renewable energy  but those technologies come with a very high price tag. This is the reason many businesses cannot afford to use these technologies. As far as land and water conservation is concerned, I am very much in favor, which goes back to my previous points about large apartment developments. There’s a saying “they don’t make any more land”.  Every inch of green grass and every tree we remove to put a building on diminishes the very reason people are drawn to our mountains to begin with.

10 – What are your ideas/proposals for increasing public participation in local government?

I addressed this question to some extent in question 6. As I have been going out into the community to events and meet and greets, one theme remains constant. “Nobody listens to us”. People feel a disconnect with local government. I was asked to serve on the Planning Board by a County Commissioner. We should encourage citizens to serve on boards and committees so they  have a finger on the pulse of what is happening in the county. Volunteer with a non-profit and serve others less fortunate. We all come from different backgrounds, bring unique talents and ideas. Commissioners can lead the charge for citizens to become more active in our community and feel a sense of pride when we live in the best place in North Carolina to live.