Questionnaire Responses – Braxton Eggers

1 – What do you consider the most pressing issue facing the County and how will you address this issue if elected?

Watauga County faces issues concerning affordable housing, lack of infrastructure, and high demand on our medical facilities. I have also seen firsthand the concerns of mental health and substance abuse in my 16 years as a bail bondsman. The issues of mental health and substance abuse in our area is of my top concern. Watauga County currently lacks the infrastructure to handle the demand. On too many occasions I have witnessed men and women unable to get to help they so desperately need and desire. Law enforcement has been forced to be the first responders to mental health and substance abuse issues. We need less bureaucracy and more treatment options for those in need.

2 – What are your unique life experiences you believe will bring a different and important perspective to the County Commission?

As a native of this community, I’ve talked with, and listened to the people who live and work here about what they need from their county government. As a small business owner, I know the importance of managing a budget, making payroll, and planning for future needs.  As the father of three young children in the Watauga County School system, I know the needs of our teachers and the facility needs.  I want my sons to have the same opportunity to grow up and remain in Watauga County, work hard, and raise their families.

3 — Do you support or oppose the County Commissioners’ financial support of an early voting site in the ASU Student Union? Please explain.

Voting needs to be accessible to all voters, and I would make sure that the Board of Elections receives adequate funding to fulfill its obligations.

4 – Where would you increase or decrease the County’s financial support of County non-profits? Please explain.

I would have open dialogue with all non-profits in our area. As each non-profit is unique in its own way, and I would support those non-profits which efficiently promote the health and well-being of the citizens of Watauga County.

5 — Do you support or oppose the County’s implementation of its own minimum housing standards? Please explain.

The County currently enforces both the building code and the fire code. Additional housing standards would require additional staff and county expenditures. I am concerned that promoting further regulations would increase housing costs to the renter and or owner.  While I am not opposed to housing standards, we need to weigh these issues carefully and consider other pressing county expenses.  This would include whether the funds required for such additional county regulations would take away from funding of other agencies and non-profits.

6 — In what ways do you propose to increase and strengthen public transparency and accountability related to the Board of Commissioners’ actions? Please explain.

The Board of Commissioners needs to work openly and transparently with our town and ASU partners. The Town and the County have not been strong communicators amongst each other in the past.  The way decisions have been communicated between boards has been for the members to read about it in the newspaper.  There has been too much opposition and there needs to be more communication between our elected officials.

7 – What remedies do you propose to implement to prevent environmental and other issues related to housing developments like “The Cottages of Boone”?

The problems at the Cottages of Boone have arisen because of enforcement of our current regulations. There is no reason why garbage continues to pile up and sewer systems overflow without action to correct those problems.  To sanctify our mountain beauty, we need to expand access to our sanitation services, including expanded green box hours.  The tipping fees to dump trash in the right place discourage people from doing what they are supposed to do.

8 – Do you support or oppose how the County distributes sales tax revenue to County municipalities (based on an “ad valorem” versus “per capita” formula)? Please explain.

The current sales tax allocation supports our local fire departments. If the current allocation changed to the ‘per capita’ formula adequate funding would not reach these departments. Ideally, the Town of Boone would sit down with the fire departments and other municipalities to work out a compromise which would be satisfactory to everyone.

9 – What ideas do you propose to bring to the table to commit the County to support for renewable and alternative energies, better conservation of land and water resources, and other climate protection measures?

We are fortunate to have several entities such as the Blue Ridge Conservancy, which promotes land conservation. I also support the voluntary farmland conservation program which is a county program.  As an outdoorsman and lover of these mountains, I want to protect our clean water and clean air for the enjoyment now and for my children.

10 – What are your ideas/proposals for increasing public participation in local government?

As the internet is a part of our daily use, promoting events, and outreach on our county website would aid in generating new ideas and participation. Our current website should be updated daily to reflect current events and display transparency. Too many times, those who volunteer for public service finds themselves the victim of personal attacks and half-truths which discourage and divide our citizens.  I have, and will, treat everyone with respect regardless of political affiliation and whether we disagree on an issue facing our county.