Questionnaire Responses – Tom Ross

1 – What are your unique life/occupational experiences you believe will bring a different and important perspective to the Watauga County School Board?

I spent more than 30 years working in universities witnessing the declining performance of students and believe the educational system is failing students at all levels and can do better. I attribute the decline to three areas; a lack of discipline and effort, the unwillingness to consider opposing viewpoints, and academic dishonesty. Students are not to blame for these trends but rather those of us in the educational system have failed to maintain standards and adapt to IT changes.

Second, I have a background in economics, accounting, and finance and performance improvement. Every institution can use the resources they are entrusted with more efficiently and effectively but few organizations have the skills or desire to critically assess their performance. My background in performance improvement emphasizes results rather than plans so I will be looking for programs that have demonstrable results. Too many educations programs have promised much and delivered little, if elected I will seek to eliminate low value programs and reallocate these resources to more fruitful areas.

2 – What do you consider to be the most pressing issue facing Watauga County Schools and how will you address this issue if elected?

Unfortunately, in the United States over past decades we have seen a decline in respect for most professions, Education is no exception. The biggest challenge is restoring respect for education, that is, demonstrating the value of knowledge and skills to a student’s life. My parents instilled in me and my sister that education was the path to a better life and we both had wonderful careers that provided satisfaction and a high standard of living. The present lack of respect for education is reducing the effort many students put into educational activities, the job satisfaction of those working in schools, and ultimately the abilities that our students will bring to our communities. Educators must do a better job of demonstrating to students and parents how education is essential to our future goals and the monetary and nonmonetary returns students will obtain from their educational efforts.

3 – Do you believe the Watauga County Board of Commissioners provides adequate funding for Watauga County’s public schools? Please explain.

I would have to undertake a comprehensive study of this issue prior to arriving at a conclusion. This study would require access to financial records, a review of programs and their associated costs, and benchmarking to similar school districts.

4 – If you could only increase Watauga County’s public school spending in one area, what would it be and why?

I would increase teachers’ salaries and seek a proportional increase in the number of school days provided. I would seek to make Watauga County first in the state in education and one step toward this goal would be providing more than the minimum state required school days. I would advocate for an additional week of schooling and thus a 2.8% increase in teachers’ salaries in addition to any cost-of-living and merit increases. I would hope the additional cost will be covered by increasing county funding and reallocating resources from current low value programs.

5 – Do you support or oppose all/none/some of the ‘Parent’s Bill of Rights’ enacted for public schools by the state legislature in August 2023 (SB 49)? Please explain.

(ed: Candidate did not respond to this question.)

6 – Do you support or oppose the “Moms for Liberty” organization and activities related to public schools? Please explain.

Yes, Moms for Liberty seeks to defend parental rights from government overreach including the documented attempts by school boards to silence parents they disagree with. Education will be enhanced by encouraging more parents to take an active role in their children’s education and ensuring all viewpoints are aired. I support anyone pursuing the fundamental values of the United States which I see are liberty, justice, and tolerance.

7 – What are your ideas/proposals for increasing public participation with Watauga’s schools?

I believe parents’ concerns must receive a fair hearing and thus we should actively elicit their inputs and welcome their participation in developing curriculum and policies. We cannot expect participation from groups that we shun, we need only look at the decline in public school enrollment and increase in private school enrollment in other counties to see the result of parochial decision-making and actions.